Sunday, May 10, 2009

About Us

This will be new to me - blogging! We're leaving on a six week trip the first week in June and it seemed like the time to start. We'll see if I keep it up. (Or if anyone cares enough to read it!) No big intro, I assume you're here by invitation and know us. I'll throw a picture of Barb and the View up to start off and then we'll wait for departure. In the meantime, I'll be cooking and freezing stuff, stocking the larder, getting us to Doc's appointments, haircuts, etc., etc.


  1. Safe and fun travels!

  2. Hi Barb & Keith,

    Have a super great time on your travels. Be safe. Waiting to hear & see what you do.

    Hugs, Diane

  3. Hope you got off safe and on time! What time is it? Oh, VACATION TIME!

  4. Hope you got out today on time and all that...wait..what time IS it? VACATION TIME!
    Have fun.

  5. Bob Voyage! Hope you guys have a wonderful trip. Hasn't this weather be weird? We are still waiting for normally warm temps here in Souther Ontario! At 11AM this morning it is only 56 degrees!

    I will look forward to further entries! Safe journey! --Mike & Robbie
