We’re at the North Rim; still out of touch with the world – no internet, no phone service. We’re also going to change the schedule. I have said before that the adventure doesn’t start till things start going wrong! We need front brake pads and new coach batteries. In both cases they’re original and it’s been 3 ¼ years of hard traveling. People who know batteries have said that if you get two years out of the originals you’re doing well, so I don’t feel badly about the expense – just the timing. It should happen at home, not on the road! We’re going to
These are Cliffrose and Mexican Locust. Cliffrose is an evergreen member of the rose family.
The North Rim is different from the South in a number of ways: the South is a string of many viewing points stretched along a 25 mile drive. The North is just a few viewing points and they’re from 6 to 21 miles apart. But I think the views in the North are more spectacular than the South
This is Angel’s Window – a hole in an abutment with views of the
,And finally, another view of the CO River and a beautiful blooming cactus.
Great pictures! Sorry to hear about the visit from Murphy, but glad you will be on your way again soon. We are finally enjoying the warmth of the summer here after a long, cold spring. Bon voyage!