With a year's experience, we unequivocally love it. It's gentle, without the on and off of the furnace and without ~ $2700 annual of propane. It uses a little more electricity in the winter but much less in the summer.
This winter, before we went South in March, I replaced all of the regular light bulbs in the track lighting on the main living level with LED bulbs. It took some looking but I found the light that I liked best and that looked the best on the art was the 8 watt (equivalent to a 55 watt bulb) Ecosmart LED from Home Depot. They dim and fit in the track "pots" and are the cheapest I found. They use between 15 and 20% of the energy of the bulbs they replace and last (hopefully) longer than I will.
This month we will put ~7000 kilowatts of solar on the hill next to the house. The initial estimate for a 10' by 30' single axis tracking array was 5000 kilowatts but a reassessment of the orientation put the estimated production at 7000 kw. The array will track from east to west and will contain 20 solar panels. This is a stock picture of the type of array which will be installed:

And, if I drive 55-60 mph, the RV gets 16-17 mpg. The mini-van gets 17.9 (multi-year average); and the little '93 Honda Si gets 40! I get about two weeks to 1.5 liters of Korbel!
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